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A member registered Mar 14, 2016

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Hey! First of all, congratulations and thank you very much for this wonderful contribution to the wonderful world of free VNs. I look forward to any of your next creations.

Second, there's a piano track I can't seem to find in the extras (I believe it's playing when Claire and Ciarán are walking on the street after the birthday party, or in the last scene with Ziva). It's my favourite though, so I would like very much to at least find the source.

Third, out of curiosity, who's your favourite character? I love asking people this question, and what better person to ask than the author himself?

Finally, do you plan on fixing small mistakes like typos and such? If you do, then I (or people I know who downloaded the game) could look out for them in my next playthrough.

Thank you again, and stay awesome!

I have a list of people who, were I to somehow become incredibly rich, I would give one thousand dollars to just because I can. Welcome on that list, Nami.

In the meantime, have these ten dollars for all of your art collections.

Stay awesome!